"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about CREATiNG yourself"
The name Tifa Mackerel wasn't giving at birth. In my 18 years of being on this planet.It was Created throughout the struggles i been able to look pass. Why Tifa Mackerel? Long story short my birthname is Latifa Harrison. (Plain) with no meaning no explaination to why my name is ...... but Tifa Mackerel thats Me. Mack" may derive from french slang where a pimp is known as a "mac" short for Mackerel. but dont get me wrong im not calling myself a PIMP im just an MAC. As Mac Dre Says "I'm a MAC, i Mastered the Art of Communication" Someone who can spit game and manipulate people to do what they want. What i am is who i am ...
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